dave n i went on (wat we figured would be) are last date as a couple for a while last friday. we went and had a little spicey mexican food. (thinking that might speed things along) didn't work!
this past saturday (11-10-07) dave celebrated the marine corp bday so diane n i thought we would help a little with the celebration.

and for bronco he has no idea his life is about to be turned upside down...all he knows is that there are 2 more hands here to pet him and 2 more legs to take him out to potty!
last but not least ~ a plus of being up here for the fall/winter is u actually get to enjoy the changing of the seasons. the trees have started to turn and they (in my mind) are gorgeous. and i know we dont quite get the turning of the leaves in texas, so i thought i would share a few pictures of them that we took at the park where we take bronco to play.
ok well i guess that's all for now... we will keep every1 updated as soon as the little guy decides to make an appearance!
luv mel n dave
so mel....i have to tell you...you have gotten bigger, but not only that he looks like he is dropping!!!
so mel....i have to tell you...you have gotten bigger, but not only that he looks like he is dropping!!!
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