ok so here we go...... if you've already heard the story than u can just skip to the pics, but i thought i would share with everyone the emotional roller coaster we went through in the days leading up to delivery. so after being late one week the doctors gave us an inducing date for the 16th of nov. so after starting the calling @ 730am and being told to reschedule @ 430pm for the following monday, we got a call @ 530pm to come on in to start the inducing procedure. so at that point the roller coaster had started...

so after what seemed like 48 hrs of labor(actually 8 or 9) you can see what great spirits mel was in. so if a picture is worth a thousand words, let me give the short version..."i have more cables hooked up to me than a d@#$ing kiss concert can we please get this baby out". the only thing to come from the inducing process was pain and a baby who was having a hard time dealing with the added stress.

15 minutes later our son is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the doctor and nurses are cleaning him up for his tuff mommy!
this is the earliest photo of the rakes' 3...smiles and cries!
deuce's first change of clothes and daddy's too! talk about being thrown into the fire, but i guess there's no other way to learn!
i think i was a little drugged and dad was a little emotional and deuce ... well as u can tell was a little upset about leaving his comfy little home! still a great moment in the recovery room! (from what i remember)
a big sigh of relief after surviving his 1st bath!
aunt kelly putting the magic touch on deuce and putting him to sleep! i cant express in words how thankful i was (and dave) for kelly being there! she was my emotional crutch and thank goodness because there were a lot of emotions flying around the days she was here!
a. marla (now known as grandmar) took her turn in relishing in deuce's cuteness! and no im not biased at all!
here are some more pics of deuce's 1st week at home

our 1st thanksgiving. we spent it with the fishers' at krista and robie's.
yet another 1st ~ shopping!
deuce after his 1st bath at home. im showing the after pics bc i figured no1 really wanted to see the bath in action!
deuce doing a little chilln in the sun while napping. i guess he's taking after his mamma!
deuce's 1st meeting with santa even though he has no idea. he slept through the whole ordeal
and last but not least bronco~ he is adjusting nicely. of course he is curious and a little jealous but other than that i think he is already protective of the little guy. here he is checking up on him while deuce was napping.all in all it has been a fabulous week. we are elated with joy and couldnt picture it any different!
until next time, luv
mel, dave and deuce!
Mel....I love how yall did the page...anyone who raeds it can feel the happiness and love and excitement! I can NOT wait to see yall again....so you might be seeing me soon!!
Congratulations! The pics are fabulous! I've been wanting to call but I know the first few weeks are sometimes a bit hazy so I figured I'd give you all time to settle in. Looks like things are going great! Can't wait to see you guys at Christmas!
Congratulations! He is absolutely perfect! I cannot wait to see the little man in person!
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