so here i am at 39 weeks, busting at the seems. yes i'm kinda lop sided. dj was doin his usual leg thrust into my ribs! as of now i am 1cm dialated and effacement is about 85% so at least im progressing a little. oh, and i just wanted to give a big thank you to kelly for my "bella band" i got for my birthday. it has been a real saver. i am still wearing my regular jeans unbuttoned with the bella band on top and no1 knows the diff!

this would be dave enjoying some pizza for monday night football. the broncos were playing so.....well u get the idea!
and of course last but not least bronco! this would be him tryn to figure out wat dave was doing while he was taking my prego pictures. clearly hes still a puppy and very "nosey" hee hee!
until next week, luv mel n dave
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