so deuce has turned into quite the little water bug which is a big change from the beginning of the summer when he would barely put his toes in the water
here is jumping in to daddy (he doesn't really need his help he just likes for him to be there)


deuce deciding he can go under water on his own

this is one of the last shots i was able to get with his head above water

he soon discovered he could open his eyes under water

daddy waving to deuce

and finally some hard earned watermelon!

i'm thinking maybe next year we might try swimming lessons.
luv mel, dave, deuce and the twins!
that is impressive. Good stuff
I can't believe how BIG Deuce is getting!! I am still in shock that this November he will be 3 and Kilee will be 4! Where has time gone???
Ryan says, "Hey Deuce! Let me get a bite of that mellon!"
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