so in mid july after the fam left we made yet another move. this one was by choice (believe it or not). we were granted the opprotunity to move on base into the new housing development and it was pretty hard to resist! i mean how can u say no to free rent, electricity, trash and water. nevermind the fact that dave is now 3 miles from home and we are 1 mile from the gym and just a short drive to pretty much anything else i can think of. so with the move in place we knew deuce's bed would have to come apart to get in and out of the rooms so we just decided to leave it that way and transition him into a "big boy" bed kind of. it's really just his crib (one of those that transitions like 4 diff ways) with one side down.
here he is crawling right in on the first night
i took this pic before we went to bed and he was knocked out
we really haven't had any trouble with the transition at all. i think one day at nap time i had to go in and remind him it was nap time and he jumped right back in and went to sleep. he is such a big boy now! the last couple of pics are just some random funny shots from the last week.
deuce after shoving the last 3 bites of an entire waffle in his mouth
here he is just enjoying a movie after nap time. i would say he feels right at home already
luv mel, dave n deuce
he does look like quite the big boy. They grow way too fast
Enjoyed your blog. I always enjoy keeping up with my great nephews and nieces. Deuce is growing so big. No baby no more...he's got a big boy bed. Really cute!
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