well not much has been happening lately but i thought i would add a few pics of our ever growing little angel! i am getting ready to start work on sunday..yes super bowl sunday...but i dont really care to watch the game since the cowboys aren't playing and the patriots are cheaters and the giants...well they are "the giants" what else can i say. i am excited to get back into the swing of the work world but i know i'm gonna miss my little guy. i have also got back to playing vball and i love it. i just joined a u.s.a.v. leauge and will start playing in tournaments come april. i am sooo excited! dave has been hard at work as usual. he is still doing the funerals at arlington but will soon switch to a new "mos". starting feb 17th he will report to ft. meade and begin classes/training for "videoagraphy?" or something like that. he will do that for 3 months and then will get orders. we will most likely end up in north carolina or california but hawii and okinawa are also on the list. the weather hasn't been above freezing for 2 weeks now and i'm starting to wonder if it will ever warm up. guess that texas weather spoiled me. it snowed about 2 weeks ago and it's still on the ground (that's soo strange to me and every1 laughs when i mention it). well i guess that's about all. we are looking forward to all of our upcoming visitors. kelly n kev and carrie n richard will be up here mid feb and then in march "nanna" (dave's mom), tammy n james, and grandmar (a. marla) will all be up here at some point, so look forward to much more exciting blogs than this one!

deuce napping on his tummy. i love it when they stick their little butt up in the air!
deuce giggling for the camera.
and now i'm just snap happy. pay no attention to the milk that's about to be on my couch

dave doing a funeral at arlington. if you can't tell (i know they tend to look alike) he is in the front left!
this is deuce playing in his activity gym. of course when i got the camera out he got a little gun shy so he isn't quite as smiley and as active as he usually is but still just as precious! (at least i think so) enjoy! i realize the lighting isn't very good but it was the best one.
until next time
luve mel dave n deuce!
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