wow ~ christmas came and went faster than i can recall! the months and days just seem to roll by. deuce is now going on 2mo and learning, growing and gaining such a personality. as most of u know we went home (texas) for christmas and man was it great to be with family. but lets not overlook the traveling portion of this holiday, wich i think the stress of took years off my life! there is something to be said about a couple traveling through the airport with 4 large pieces of luggage, a carry-on, a stroller (a jogger one at that), a car seat and of course large coats (it was 15deg when we left). we totally looked like the grizwalds on foot! and to go through security is another story in itself. oh, of course nothing goes smoothly. u have to break the stoller down, take the sleeping baby out of the car seat, undoubtably the pacifier drops under the screening machine and i set the metal dector off twice. but after all was said and done the little guy did great on the flight both there and back (back being a day later do to a delayed flight) and i wont even get into the stress of all that! i dont wont to loose anymore years of my life! lets just say we made it. now back to christmas....wat a great time. it was soo nice to be with family and celebrate the holidays. we also did deuce's baptism while we were in so that father jim could do it and we are very thankful and feel very blessed for all the family that came to the church. well i could go on and on about all of our travel and christmas stories but i think thats enough talking because we all know everyone just really wants to look at the pics anyway. hee hee

we went to eat the first night in austin and dave decided that deuce should do a little coloring
dave on double duty

austin giving deuce a kiss. isnt he just precious!

grandmar and deuce

while the boys enjoyed opening gifts deuce enjoyed his milk! no cookies yet :(

nanna feeding deuce christmas morning. im starting to see a pattern!
deuce trying to take in all this christmas chaos!

dad feeding deuce when him and jeanette came over to visit before we left h'ville
the baptism ~

deuce with uncle father jim and his godparents kelly n kevin
so once we got home needless to say we needed a little time to relax (as im sure most of u did)
deuce's favorite spot to's shoulder!
deuce playing on his changing table after he peed on it (notice its missing its cover)
just relaxing in the tub after all this travel drama
this is a video of deuce playing and talking to his mobile that he got from grandma jeanette. we decided to put it on his changing table for now so he can enjoy it more.
and last but not least bronco ~ well im pretty sure he got spoiled rotten while we were gone. i had one of my co-workers house sit for us and i think she let him break all the rules. because now when we go to bed he automaticaly jumps in and he now begs for food when we sit down at the dinner table. but all n all he is still just as handsome as ever!

until next time....
luv mel dave n deuce!
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