im sure most of you are already aware of all this lovely info im about to unfold on you but i figured it only fitting for the 1st blog. so...........
the move ~ was crazy!!!!!!!! after the 23 hour drive all i wanted was a bed and a home cooked meal, but apparently that was asking for tooo much. once i arrived in dc i had a week of crazyness. it seemed like i needed one thing after another, but to get them i had to have the things i didnt have. for example, needed to get a new military id, but culdnt get on base without a government sticker on the car, but culdnt get that without showing proof of a valid military id...u get the point. the apartment, turns out, wouldnt be ready for another week so dave n i had to stay with some friends wich meant sleeping on couches (futons) and more eating out. once the apartment was ready, turned out, the movers were late and wouldnt show up for another week. so u got it, more eating out and this time sleeping on an air mattress (a little better). so after the movers came and left and i unpacked all the necessary boxes i discovered one major box was missing (later discovered 3 boxes were missing), but the box with all our bedding stuff was m.i.a. very sad!!!! all has been recovered now! and im sleeping happily on my feather bed and cooking meals on a nightly basis with joy!!!!
the baby ~ and before i even get started....yes i am gaining weight! ok now that thats out of the way. we are having a boy (im sure every1 already knows) and just ecstatic about it. of course the babys room will be covered in a sports theme. i always said i wouldnt make it look like some1 puked sports in the room, but its kinda hard not to do because everything is just so darn cute! even though its an apartment i got approval for painting so of course went at it right away. even dave is happy with the way the room turned out. now we are just eagerly awaiting and yes i realize i still have 3 months but cant help it.

happenings ~ we have stayed pretty busy just trying to discover annapolis. theres a beach (ocean city) about 2hrs from here which we have visited once but drove to 3 times. let me explain....the 1st time we got all packed up: cooler, snacks, umbrella and of course the dog. well, turns out the beach isnt so dog friendly. we walked all the way to the boardwalk with everything in tote n just before we culd put r toes in the sand we were stopped in told no dogs on the beach. so, of course we had to turn around and head back home. it was very sad. the next time we headed out on saturday (not realized it was 4th of july weekend) and made it about 10 miles before we came to a stop! needless to say we turned around and ended up just hanging out by the pool. the 3rd time was a charm. we went on a sunday because dave had monday off, since he didnt get the 4th off, and we had a great time just relaxn in the sun and sand. however, the water was freezing! my skin literally turned red then purple, but we had to pee somewhere! we have gone down to the harbor for lunch and just checked out all the happenings. lots of cool little bars and patios. i guess il just have to enjoy those later, but theres also a lot of shopping and historic buildings.

this past friday dave was sworn in and signed papers for reenlistment for another 4 years. his 1st sargent made a huge deal of it. we did the swearing in on the parade deck with the whole company at attention behind us and the captain did the swearing in. i even got a certificate of appreciation and the 1st sargent read it out loud (u kno the whole shouting thing) right it front of me. i think i got a little spit on me and i did all i culd to keep from laughing. but the whole process was very cool and i am very proud of my husband! 

well i guess that is all for now....yes i realize that was a lot but a lot has happened in the last month o so! until next time.........

well i guess that is all for now....yes i realize that was a lot but a lot has happened in the last month o so! until next time.........
Great job! Keep it up. Enjoyed the pictures and all the news!
Aunt Barbsie
Nice work Mel!! I am so glad you are joining the blogging world. I love reading these (which annoys Adam!) I think ALL the Henkes should start one!!! (That is a challenge to all of you reading this without one :)
I can't wait to see little man Rakes!! You look great!
Thanks for keeping this old v'ball has-been on your list! Hope I live long enough to meet you guys on the court one more time. I'm SO happy for you and Dave - and proud of you. I'll always treasure that one SHS football that I didn't have to catch - I hope you remember it !!
You look great with a little "tummy" !!!
Love, Erv
This is great! I really enjoyed the pictures.....the baby room is going to be so cute. I'm glad you're settling in well.... Love, A. Linda
Hi, Melinda! Was wondering when we would hear about your traveling ordeal and adjusting to your new home. Great job on the blogging! Thanks for sharing all your thoughts and comments. They were quite interesting (and your sense of humor was enjoyable!). Hi to Dave too... we, too, are proud of you! See you soon!
Aunt Mary Rose
Okay, I left my wonderful comments and then they disappeared when I tried to set up a Google account. I knew all along I ought to leave this kind of stuff to a more technologically savvy generation!
I'm glad you have gotten settled - at least somewhat - in your new surrondings. Sounds like you have been busy enough to not get too homesick. I'm sure that you and Dave being together and getting settled in and all that there is to see and do, never mind a baby on the way - keeps you going.
Is Dave likely to stay in the area for a while or does not just depend on the will and whim of Uncle Sam?
After being without a dog for a couple of years I now have a Border Collie. She, Bingo, is three months old. Shel almost has me trained to take her out often enough so that she does her thing outside.
I am sure you will be very aware of the previlige that is yours in being the first person with whom I have bloged. Now I had bette get back to some other work. I think I will leave the office around five today, which is much earlier than usual, go the house and mow the lawn, fix supper and have a couple of drinks.
Tell Dave and the kid hello.
Uncle Jim
Mel and Dave....I am so glad you found a way to keep us all in the "know." The pics were great and Rick and I are so proud of Dave. I am so glad you two are finally living in the same state together. Anxiously awaiting pics of the little one. Take care...Love Barb
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