nanna came to visit the last week in
feb and as usual deuce and
nanna had a blast and he def missed her when she left! we started the visit off with just some fun play times but then i
layed it on
nanna n deuce sporting their shades!

i read about this 3day potty training in parenting magazine and did some research online and decided with
nanna their what a perfect opp to try it out. the method required one on one attention of the one being potty trained for 3 days so
nanna gladly took the opp and i was able to watch the other kiddos. so on that
monday morning deuce threw away all the diapers and wipes (some visual thing) and we put on the big boy

we then proceeded to fill him with liquids so we had as many chances to rush him to the potty as possible. he also went
pantsless for those 3 days but
nanna was concerned he would get cold so he also wore his slippers

here they are playing trains and
nanna keeping a close eye for any signs of having to potty

on the morning of day 3
nanna and i thought this lady and her method were crazy....but just like she said it just hit him that afternoon..he started running to the potty
every time! we are so proud of our little man and beyond thankful that
nanna was able to help with the whole
process! no sure we could have done it without her! here they are on day 4 finally putting some pants on and getting ready to head outside!

thanks again
nanna for all
ur hard work and next time i promise it will be more fun!!! (although
i'm pretty sure deuce loved his sidekick for the week)