this years halloween festivities kicked off with a little carnival at camp johnson (where dave is stationed). they had all kind of fun things for the kiddos. each little shop had their own tent for the kids to walk through and they had face and pumpkin painting as well.
when i got there daddy n deuce were playing on the swing waiting for me

then we tried to get deuce to pick out a pumpkin but he just wanted to run around the "patch"

deuce was also very curious about the gaurd (wouldn't be a military function without one)

so here is where all the festivities were taking place.......

and here is where deuce wanted to be!

in the end he decided the slide was the best!

the following saturday was halloween. we didn't dress deuce up again this year for several reasons.... one being he can't even say trick o treat (and i sure as heck wasn't going to ask for him)...second he's kind of opinionated and wanted nothing to do with putting a costume on! i figured it wasn't really worth the fight. we still celebrated the day and all the festivites
the mall had some "spooky" reptiles that we went and cheked out

then after nap we carved the pumpkin...deuce wasn't very interested

daddy hard at work

deuce still not interested...see what i mean about opinionated!

mommy lighting the pumpkin

i think this is the first time he actually touched it

dave handing out candy to the neighbors

deuce watching the trick o treaters...taking notes for next year

kiss for his mummy

this is where deuce spent most of his time...

until he found the candy bowl....and this is where he spent the rest of the time until we ran out of candy!

well he had a great time and i think deuce is ready for next year!
luv mel dave n deuce!