so as most of you know we just got done taking this lovely little trip to
tulsa! the trip was originally planned for aunt
marla's 60
th bday bash but i think it turned out to be a whole lot more. we really had
sooo much fun. we arrived at the
herman resort (our lodging for the
wknd festivities) on
thursday (a day before everyone else) and thus began the fun. we went to a
mexican joint the first night in the posh area of town (also nearby was
krista's new baby bump boutique, very cool to see). there we did a little celebrating of my and aunt
marla's bday. yes they gave us the
sombreros, yes they sang and yes we did shots!
here's a pic of the whole gang (minus "gg" bc i'm covering her up with my hat)

bday girls n
the next day while waiting for the rest of the
fam to arrive
dave n deuce went for a little swim. deuce really had so much fun with it. i think it was
bc the water was
soo warm.
he kept wanting to walk off the ledge

once everyone had arrived that afternoon we all hit the pool up for a little fun and relaxation!
here's the whole gang (pay attention to the walrus floaty)

daddy n deuce
playn around one of the funniest things for the
wknd (other than aunt
marla doing cannon balls into the hot tub, full of people) was when uncle
lary dared
dave to ride the walrus or see how long he could. on
dave's first attempt he got bucked but on the second one he jumped right on and......pop!
well i guess u can say he rode it.....flat!

even funnier was when
caroline asked
wat happened and why
dave couldn't fix it!

the kiddos playing inside after swimming. it was so fun to see them all play together

deuce snooping on the
counter top....looking for food
i'm sure!

we had a nice dinner
friday night (hats off to the chef,
robie) and then i got a little surprise of my own. they had a
bday cake for me.
this would be me trying to blow out my trick candles!

that night we decided everyone needed baths and
kevin and
dave were put to work.
i'm not sure who had more fun..the big boys or the little ones. for example,
kevin decided to turn on the
jacuzzi and there wasn't enough water in the tub so the jets sprayed water everywhere and instead of stopping they continued and then would holler "fire in the whole" and duck and spray the little guys....very funny!
kevin and
dave giving baths
saturday was aunt
marla's party so in the morning before the guest got there we let the boys play on the playground (in there
pjs so they wouldn't dirty the party clothes)
deuce n nathan finding treasures

we celebrated aunt
marla's bday all of
saturday and i think we even made it into
sunday morn.
sunday morn i think everyone just kinda chilled and try to recover from the previous days festivities.
deuce n daddy
checkn out the rocking horse!
sunday afternoon we celebrated
kenzie's bday.
i'll let
kelly share those pics with you guys (if i can ever get them to her). we did manage to take a couple of nice pics before hand though.
the three girls (yes my hair is in a ponytail again,
i'm trying to grow it out)

our family

i did want to share this one pic from
kenzie's bdaycheck out deuce in the pic.....i wonder what he is up to?

well that is all i have...only because my camera ran out of memory. the story and pics don't really do the
wknd justice. the
herman's were such great host and it was
soo wonderful getting to visit and hang out with the
fam for that many days. usually when we see the fisher side it is short and sweet so this was a nice change of pace. if anyone would like to see all the
wknd photos feel free to visit my
flickr photo acct next time
luv mel, dave n deuce!