so i took on the first project. and sorta the second but that one will be a work in progress for a while. i had been unpacking for several days and not
really seeing any results so i was losing the drive. i had originally decided not to paint until everything had been unpacked and in its place but since i was losing enthusiasm i thought why not take on a small job like the bathrooms. i thought small space small project.....soon learned that was not the case! although it only took one day it was def a long
laborsum day! as i started to upload the pics i realized i never took an original pic of the master bathroom or bedroom for that matter so
im kinda mad at myself and you'll have to make do with my description of the previous. both bathrooms were a banana yellow. the master had green floral mirrors and a butterfly toilet seat. very special!
i'll let the pics tell the rest of the story.......

guest bathroom before

shower in guest bathroom
guest bathroom after the transformation (paint jobs and decoration)

next comes the master bath
this was the starting point
and with a little paint and help from deuce


it's hard to see the toilet, but trust me its just plain ol white (yes i replaced it myself)

now for the work in progress.... the front flower bed! once you see the pics you'll understand. this is gna take a lot of labor!
so here is the flower bed before we started

here is daddy hard at work
deuce n i decided to take a little break

then deuce decided he should go for a swim since he has been working soo hard

and this is the progress after day 1 of working on it

last but not least i will leave u with a pic of deuce playing his new favorite game....

peek a boo! (using the coffee table)
well i guess that's all for now, stay tuned
luv mel, dave n deuce!