so i realize it has been a long time but what can i say.....nothing really. i guess it's that good ol excuse of once you get behind it's soo hard to catch up? does that work? so i guess you will have to miss the pics from when we came in for thanksgiving and deuces bday and lets not forget about the tailgating as well. i think kelly was able to get a few of them up at least. anyway, not much has changed since we last saw everyone. dave is still enjoying his job in combat camera and is taking onlines courses to get his personal training certification. i am still working at american eagle and let me tell you that i can't wait for the holidays to be over just for that reason. i am also back in school and should be teaching by next school year. and as for deuce....where do i start? i guess with no he still isn't walking yet :( he walks from toy to toy but won't just get up and walk on his own. other than that he is all over the place and is really enjoying playing with nana and all his new toys from christmas and birthday. yes, that's right i said nana! she got here on the 18th and deuce has been in heaven ever since (i think nana has too). they play soo hard all day and it is soo cute! she always thinks of great new ways to make him laugh. now, as for christmas....this is my first one away from family so i tried to do as much the same as i could. we went to christmas eve childrens mass and then went christmas light looking around the neighborhood and then the madness came........
we made christmas cookies on christmas eve (kinda, they were obviously from a box)

nana n deuce giving hugs after church
deuce opening his pj's (one of our biggest traditions)
deuce opening his gifts from the secret santa at dave's shop

i got my texas decal from the chances (got to keep my texas roots on the east coast)

dave modeling his north carolina hat from the chances
me showing off my purse from the ellis family
dave and his new coffee pot

love my christmas tree decoration
nana helping deuce open his wagon for all his blocks
dave is all ready to bbq
deuce getting his pony from nana and popo

nana had to test out the car from santa

deuce taking his car for a ride christmas morn

dave's apron from santa and deuce
deuce with his "moo moo's" from santa

deuce chilln watchn toons in his bean bag chair from santa

here are some random fun shots from the week of christmas
going to see santa

riding dumbo at toys r us

deuce trying on hats at the mccs exchange with nana

last i will leave you with a video of what christmas is all about....funny!
well... as u can tell we had a wonderful christmas and we hope everyone else did too! and hope you have a happy new year as well!
until next time
luv mel dave n deuce!